Your Consultation
Every consultation is a no-pressure, informative visit designed to explore and diagnose your symptoms and determine the most effective treatment course for you. We focus on listening to your concerns, answering all your questions, and helping you make informed decisions. Plan on a thorough exam that will include your medical history, vein symptoms and expectations. This is your opportunity to ask questions so you can have a better understanding about our process.
A vascular ultrasound will be ordered if you are experiencing symptoms of varicose veins. Venous ultrasound uses sound waves to produce images of the veins in the body. It is commonly used to diagnose varicose veins and to search for blood clots in the veins of the leg – a condition often referred to as deep vein thrombosis. Ultrasound has no known harmful effects.
Ultrasounds are performed in our office. You will be scheduled to see Dr. Mohammad-Zadeh to discuss the results and treatment recommendations.

Creating Your Treatment Plan
At Renaissance Laser and Vein Institute, we create individual treatment plans that are tailored to your specific needs. Dr. Mohammad-Zadeh will discuss non-surgical options and the latest minimally invasive treatments. Along with understanding your diagnosis and medical history, we will create an individualized treatment plan tailored to your specific lifestyle and goals.
Prior authorization will be started for insurance policies that require an authorization prior to treatment for varicose veins. Authorizations are a courtesy to our patients. Once we have obtained authorization you will be contacted to schedule your treatment and answer any additional questions you may have.

Your Treatment
Our entire staff is helpful and highly trained to meet your needs. The level of care extended by our practice is rarely found in today’s medical offices. We are committed to excellence in patient care.
You can drive yourself to and from the office on the day of your vein procedure. If you are prescribed anti-anxiety medication, you are advised not to drive and you will need to have a driver. You will need to wear compression stockings for 1 week after the procedure.

With most procedures, follow-up ultrasound appointments are scheduled within 1-2 weeks to ensure successful treatment with no complications. A venous ultrasound is a standard form of care following a vein procedure.
We continue to monitor you as needed. Our goal is to maintain a long-term relationship with each of our patients and continue to help them slow their progression of vein disease.
Beyond the impressive level of training, experience and 5 star service, our practice is known for treating patients like family with genuine caring, dedicated providers, and surgical staff who go the extra mile in personalized care.